When will a version of Clooz be available for Mac’s?

Despite our best efforts, Clooz 4 is no longer targeting the Mac OS.  It remains a possibility in the longer term.

Clooz 4, like the current version  3, will run on Mac’s currently when a virtual Windows configuration is established, such as with VMWare Fusion.  This requires a licensed copy of Windows.

What if my email address has changed since purchasing Clooz?

Please notify us of the change at support@clooz.com

If you have signed up for our mailing list, update you account information at Constant Contact.  Find one of our email messages and click on the Update Profile/Email Address link at the bottom of the message.   There you can edit your email address and make any desired modification of your profile.


How do the import/export capabilities of Clooz vary depending on which external program I use?

The two programs which Clooz has direct read and write capability to interface with are Legacy Family Tree and Family Historian.  Family Historian maintains data in memory until you save the file, so Clooz does put up a reminder to save the Family Historian file before proceeding with imports or exports. So there is one small manual step there, but Clooz steps you through it.

RootsMagic is somewhat similar, but does not allow Clooz to write data directly to the database. Rather, a special GEDCOM file is produced by Clooz and has to be manually imported into RootsMagic. It is special in that it includes record identifiers so that RootsMagic knows whether the person the data is for is a new person (to be added), or already existing in its database (thus avoiding duplication of people records). It’s just a few extra steps to do, but can be as effective.

Clooz also directly reads data from Ancestral Quest databases, but like RootsMagic, you’ll need to use GEDCOM to export from Clooz to Ancestral Quest. There are some special identifiers used to better link the people between Clooz and Ancestral Quest.

Clooz is not permitted to have direct access (read or write) to FamilyTreeMaker, so all data transfers must be done via GEDCOMs.   The process of importing a GEDCOM into FTM does provide some support for identifying people already in the database (to avoid duplication), but this requires the user to be very attentive and examining all the details.   Clooz will adjust for some of the non-standard aspects of FMTs use of GEDCOM files.

Using a generic GEDCOM, data can be imported from or exported to nearly all other genealogy programs.   However, duplication of people may result depending on the program.

Additional interface improvements are planned for the future.

Why can’t I get the RIN or identification number column for the people linked to my family tree program to appear on the main list of people?

The option to turn on additional columns of information on the main grid-style listing of people in Clooz (such as RIN numbers, user assigned IDs, etc) is contained in the context (right click) menu when the main list of people is being displayed.   Click on the desired column type to toggle it on or off.

If the option to display these columns is not appearing in the menu, then you have not designated a “Primary” file on the list of External File Links.   Since Clooz can be linked to any number of external files, you must designate which one is to be active at any one moment.   This is done by right clicking the file in the External File Links list, and selecting “Set as Primary”.

When I install Clooz, I get an Error 1719. What do I do?

This error means your Windows Installer service (the MSIserver in Windows that processes application installers) is either missing, corrupted, or otherwise not running.

Commonly, it is often the result of some previous program installation or uninstall not completing properly.   Some users have had success using programs such as Revo to install Clooz (although this should not be taken as our endorsement of any program).  There are also various solutions described on the Internet when you search for “Windows Installer Service could not be access”.

Contact us at support@clooz.com for further assistance.


I imported people and sources into Clooz. Why are they not connected?

When you import people and/or sources into Clooz using the Data Transfer Manager, you are simply importing the individual people (which Clooz then remembers who they are in the other program), or in the source case, the individual source.   No events are imported, since Clooz is entirely document-based.   It is the events (or characteristics) in your family tree program that link a person to a source.   Thus, there is no real way to reproduce that link in Clooz.

However, when you export a document from Clooz back to the family tree program, Clooz will exact information from the document and produce a list of events.   These will be automatically linked to the source of the document in order to have the event in the family tree program proper cite the source.

Think of it this way…    You can create a birth event based on information in a birth certificate, however, you cannot create a birth certificate based on a birth event.   Clooz is dealing with the documents, which becomes evidence of events occurring.   It is not a substitute for your family tree program.

In Clooz 4 there is a new feature to help meet this need. When you import people who have events which cite sources, the source record can be imported automatically and research tasks can be established to provide a list of the sources that should be reviewed for you to generate Information Records in Clooz. You would still need to determine what information a particular source really provided regarding that person’s events, but this is an organized way to step through that process.