Interfacing Clooz Documents with your Family Tree

Clooz provides a very powerful capability for you to export the people, events, sources and citations to your favorite family tree program where you can view the tree and produce all the typical charts.  Remember, Clooz is document-based and supports the research process you go through in building your family tree.  It is much more efficient to gather your information in Clooz first, and then transfer the information to your family tree only after you have properly completed its analysis and have drawn your conclusions.

Clooz provides two different tools to use for interfacing with other lineage-based family tree programs:

  • Data Transfer Manager (used for bulk transfers of people and sources, but not events)
  • Document Export function (used to export the people, events, sources and citations related to a single Clooz document)

The external database Clooz works with is chosen in the external file links window.   Clooz will track links with multiple external files, however, only the external file designated as "Primary " is active at any single moment.

A person in Clooz can be linked to a person in an external family tree database by one of several methods:

  • Importing or exporting the person in the Data Transfer Manager
  • Manually adding the external RIN number to the person listed in Clooz (Data Transfer Manager or Document Export function)
  • Exporting the person as part of a Document Export


Example of the Document Export form

Image of the Document Export form

Data Transfer Manager window (bulk transfers)

Image of the Clooz Data Transfer Manager window

Importing and exporting information to/from Clooz is the topic of several sections of the Clooz User Guide.